Forms & Policies
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Happy Hearts Pet Care LLC Policies and Procedures
Contacting Happy Hearts Pet Care
To become a new client with Happy Hearts Pet Care LLC please contact us with your location, type of pet care and dates of services needed so we can be sure you are in our service area and that we have a sitter that meets your needs.
We use an on line scheduling software called “Time To Pet”. Once you have been accepted as a Happy Hearts Pet Care LLC client you will receive a email with a link to activate your account. You can then log in to add your pet and home information and schedule any up coming pet care. You can always contact us directly to schedule as well. YOU WILL RECEIVE A EMAIL SCHEDULE CONFIRMATION so be sure to check that it is correct.
We do not have scheduled office hours because we are all usually out in the field caring for pets. It is best to use the client portal message center so that your assigned sitter and the office all receive the information. We do receive these messages as “push notifications” so they can be addressed right away if needed. There is also a “private” message option if you wish to communicate with the office only. Voicemail is checked in the evening and early morning so do not use this contact method for emergencies. All correspondence is responded to within 24hrs or ASAP if deemed an emergency. We ask that you do not leave schedule changes in notes at your home as they may not make it back to the office to be entered into the master schedule and we do not want any missed pet care.
Guidelines for scheduling and performing pet visits
Our #1 rule is no inside dog will ever be left for more than 12 hours between visits.
We offer several time blocks for 30min, 45min and 1 hour visits. Early morning 6-8am, Mid-Morning 9-11am, Mid Day 11am -1pm (20-30min visit), Mid Afternoon 1-3pm, Early evening 4-6pm and later evening 7-10pm.
When making 3-4 visits per day to your home we try to space the day time visits 4- 7hrs apart with the over night visits not being more than 12hrs apart but usually only 10 hours.
When making 2 visits a day to your home they will be spaced 12 hours apart for an indoor dog or pets with medical needs. Outdoor pets and cats requiring 2 visits per day will fall between 7-12 hours between daily visits.
We can NOT accept specific time requests for visits unless it is for a time sensitive medical purpose.
We send email updates with photos after each pet visit
Happy Hearts Pet Care would always like to available to care for your pets and home but we need as much notice as possible. We understand that emergencies happen or even a last minute opportunity to do something fun comes up. This is the benefit of having a team of sitters that know your pets and home care routine. Still there will be times we are completely booked and can not fit in even 1 more pet visit so plan ahead best you can and remember holidays book up fast.
Mid Day Dog Walks
Our mid day dog walk services are offered for 20-30min between 11am and 2pm. No specific time can be given but we will try to accommodate requests for the beginning or end of this time frame. You will receive a email update and photos after each visit. You will have the option to schedule these visits on a “as needed” basis or if you have a regular work schedule we can create a monthly template so your walks will be automatically scheduled each month. Please leave towels near the entry way for those wet/muddy dog paws after walks.
Your Responsibility as a client
Please enter your pet and home care information in your portal and update it as needed for each time you need our services. We have an app on our phones that allows us to look up this information while we are caring for your pets so it is important that the information is entered and up to date.
Before leaving town we ask that you send us a confirmation that you are leaving as planned or if there are any changes to departure time. If we do not hear from you we will proceed with the requested schedule.
Please send us a confirmation that you have returned home to care for your pets. If we do not hear from you within 12hrs of our last visit with your dog or pet requiring medications or 24hrs of of our last visit with your cat/non medical needs pet, we will attempt to contact you. If we are unable to make contact we will return to visit with your pets until we hear from you.
Please make sure you have left enough food, litter or other necessary supplies for your pets before you leave on your trip. If HHPC has to pick up any needed supplies there will be a $10 charge added to your invoice along with cost of goods.
Please leave out any acceptable cleaning supplies that can be used on your furniture or flooring should your pet have an accident. If we do not see cleaning supplies we will uses cold water only and inform you were the accident is so you can give it more attention when you return.
Towels should be left by the door for wet paws coming in from walks. We do our best to keep wet/muddy paws off your floor and furniture.
When scheduling your services please inform us if there will be anyone else entering your home while you are away. Our teams safety and comfort are important so they are instructed to leave the home immediately and call the office/client/police if they believe someone might be in the home unauthorized.
Your house key will be picked up at the scheduled new client meeting and tagged with your account number, not your name or address. We ask for 2 copies of your key so we have 1 for the office as a back up and 1 for the assigned sitter. We can schedule for key return when you return from your trip OR if you think you may be traveling more than 1 time per year you may consider having your key retained in our locked filing system. There is a $5 key return and pick up fee after your first service.
Added Fees
Late booking fee: $20 if given less that 72hrs notice of services needed
Vacation cancellation fee: $20 applies to all first days visits if given less than 48hrs notice.
Mid day walk cancellation: must be done within 24hrs of requested service to avoid being charged full rate.
Holiday surcharge: $5 per visit on New Years Eve/day, Easter Sunday. Memorial day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve/Day.
Late Payment Fee: $20 applied after every 30 days past due
NSF Check Fee: $30 plus any other bank charges.
Key pick up/return fee: $5 for each occurrence after your first services.
Paying for Services
Invoices are emailed after services are complete and due within 30days. Regular scheduled mid day dog walks are invoiced at months end. You can pay by Cash, Check, Credit Card, PayPal or Venmo.
Pet Photos
While caring for pets we enjoy taking photos of them for you and to post on our website and social media. We are always careful to never include any back ground of your home, property or location and never include your family name for your security. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Happy Hearts Pet Care LLC does use the services of independent contractors to provide pet care services to our valued clients. All contractors have been given orientation and pet care resources to ensure they understand proper pet care procedures and have passed a criminal background check through Michigan State Police. You may request to meet any contractor assigned to care for your pets but you may not hire our contractors for pet care services out side of our contractor as they are under a non-solicit contract and doing so will result in legal action.
Do you have a question about something we haven’t addressed here? Let us know!